Bimbo Banter

Why Presentation Skills Training Will Elevate Your Everyday

  • Leadership
  • April 15, 2018
  • by Sally Ann Rivera


We’ve just wrapped a week of a two-part series of Persuasive Presentation SkillsSM trainings in the UK. While many of our clients come to us seeking a specific need (“I have a speech coming up”), an increasing amount are looking more generally for training that satisfies the vague “professional development” category.

Our mainstay trainings cover all the traditional skills (media and presentations), and, as we walk boldly into our fourth decade of business, our clients’ needs continue to expand. However, we’ve discovered that, regardless, the same skills apply.

While you may never be approached by a reporter with his camera directed at your face, you are nevertheless a spokesperson for your company or organization every day. In the same vein, one training participant mentioned she had never given a presentation before the first part of our training day. Some others this week confessed they hadn’t given any formal presentations in between their first Spaeth training a few months ago and the follow-up training this week—and probably wouldn’t any time soon. Or would they?

If you interact with colleagues or customers, you need presentation skills training. Most presentations don’t involve a PPT deck or podium (which we hope you never confine yourself behind). Instead, they occur during a coffee break, sitting at your boss’ desk or over a customer lunch.

Take every interaction to the next level by giving it the same priority and level of forethought. Rehearse, have a focused message to deliver and anecdotes at the ready. If you want to make every interaction strategic and memorable, we can help.

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